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Mitch Berman

Mitch Berman

+34 644 482 433

voice type / accent: male / neutral English

origin: USA

voice range: low / mid

speciality: voiceover / public speaker / MC

An actor with stage and singing experience, Mitch moved from his native U.S. to Europe in 1991, honing his versatility as a performer in TV advertisements, films, and musical productions. He has since worked as a voice actor for corporate videos, narration, publicity, and dubbing. Likewise, as an executive trainer, Mitch regularly delivers workshops to a wide range of professionals/companies on effective communication, powerful presentations, and leadership.

Feature Film

Grand Piano, Lo Imposible (The Impossible), Mama


Aigua, Infern y Cel

Advertising / Voiceovers

Staropramen, Revlon, Magnum Mini Almond Bars, Grifols, Football Club Barcelona